....So after a hectic day, we decided to go to his house, although he wasn't going home with us as he had some more stuff to do, he gladly handed us his bunch of keys.
On reaching his house, we realized we had a big bunch of keys with no specifications to which key was for what door. Sure! We tried to reach him to find out, but his both lines weren't reachable. Then we had no option than to try out the keys ourselves.
We were all too tired and impatient to try them one after the other, so we had to rely on instincts, each person guessing which key was right "one person would say, this should be it, and another would say this has the same name, try it" ...after our guesses proved fruitless with many attempts, we had to resort to trying the keys none after the other, having tried 12 keys of his awfully big bunch, the 13th one opened the door...
Mhen! We rushed in without winking, took different positions to cool off, I laid on the couch, trying to catch my breadth, when it dawned on me that such is life:
Sometimes in life, it's really the last key in the bunch that opens life's lock. So don't be quick to throw in the towel, hope against hope, believe in hope and eventually you would get your desired result...
We must learn to stick till we win.
The truth is, winners are never quitters and quitters are never winners. Indeed our victory is often in our ability to stick through that dream. Just as the postage stamp's usefulness is in its ability to stick to one thing (one document) till it gets to its destination.
POINT; Keep pressing on. It would never be over until you win. (posted as seen)
Great words