Don't just give up...

I wonder why people give up so soon. Someone signed up to do a business, and in just 2 Months or 3 Months in it, they go cold, they give up! They don't go for seminars anymore, they don't read books.
And when you ask them, you hear, "it doesn't work for me".

I realize that our (youths especially) problem is we want to get rich over night!. Some other people are greedy!!. They want to acquire & see all the wealth & millions in 1, 2  Months... of starting, while most people are looking for a short cut to riches. Then when they couldn't achieve all this in a short time, they quit! If you have this attributes you can Never be successful in Business!

"Except a grain falls to the ground and dies, it will not spring up. When u plant a seed, it will first die, rotten before it starts to grow and that is process".

That is to tell us that you must pass through a natural process of working, grooming, transformation in all areas before you succeed. All these are natural laws to Prosperity.

You need to see the work those persons at the top are doing to achieve Success. Great sacrifices, extraordinary things. They do not give room for excuses! 100% focus on their goal! They are never distracted. They are not moved by Rejection......

It takes TIME to build a SYSTEM that will pay u over TIME.
Every billionaire u see today has worked for years, I mean many years before they became great in their Business.

Before u say this Business is not working for me, STOP! and ask yourself the following questions..
  • How long have i built my business?
  • What are the extraordinary things i have done to come out great?
  • How old am i in this business?
  • How many people have I introduce into my business 
  • What effort have I made to bring the best out of them.
Until you change your APPROACH, your MIND, your cannot see the change you desire in your business.

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